React Native Common Components

This is a set of common components I use for creating react native applications. They were externalized from a project I was working on so I can rapidly develop new react native apps.

More details to be added soon.


  • BusyModal - A modal overlay with a spinner
  • Card - Material like card
  • CenterView - Centered view, it is vertically centered by default, has an potion
  • Container - Scrollable container
  • ErrorAlert - A simple text alert container
  • H1 - Enlarged text input
  • H2 - Text input
  • Header - A material like header
  • Platform - A wrapper around react native's platform that allows easier
  • SearchHeader - A material like search header. It extends Header.
  • SimpleTextCard - A card that text can be specified on
  • Spinner - A spinner
  • SpinnerCard - A card containing a centered spinner
  • TextInput - An android like underlined text input

Note: Only the ionicons set of icons from react-native-vector-icons are currently supported.



$ yarn add elderfo-react-native-components -D


$ npm install elderfo-react-native-components --save-dev

After installation, linking of react-native-vector-icons is required:

$ react-native link react-native-vector-icons

See react-native-vector-icons for more information.


Probably the best way to view the components is to run the storybook (note: not all components have stories at this time).

$ yarn run storybook
$ react-native run-ios


This project uses storyshot for testing. To execute:

$ yarn run test