
Boilerplate generator for typescript monorepos not intended to be published to npm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generator-elderfo-typescript-project NPM version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage percentage

Boilerplate generator for typescript monorepos not intended to be published to npm.


First, install Yeoman and generator-elderfo-typescript-project using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-elderfo-typescript-project

Then generate your new project:

yo elderfo-typescript-project


The generator will prompt you for two values:

  • Project Name - the name of the project. Note: when running the generator, you will want to be in the folder above where you want the package to be created
  • Project Version - the version to be used with the application


The application configuration expects the application to be structured like:

|-- packages/
|-- tools/
|-- jest.json
|-- lerna.json
|-- package.json
\-- tsconfig.json
  • packages is for the main applicaiton packages
  • tools is for dev packages, such as pre-processors, data generators, etc...

Npm/yarn Run Scripts

  • bootstrap - convinence method for lerna bootstrap
  • build - runs build on all packages with a defined build script
  • clean-all - cleans all node_modules and build folders
  • dev - runs the dev script in parallel on all packages that have one defined
  • pretest - pre-builds packages for testing
  • test - runs tests at a global level
  • generate-package- generates a package


MIT © Chris Getsfred