Micro Frontend Demo



  1. Install node
    choco install nodejs.install
  2. Install yarn package manager
    choco install yarn

Install dependencies

In the microfrontend-demo folder, run:

microfrontend-demo> yarn install

Run application

microfrontend-demo> yarn start

Browse to the application:

Adding a new site


  1. Create the new site
  2. Configure site to be used as a Yarn workspace
  3. Add site-two scripts to main package.json
  4. Add site-two to the main startup script
  5. Prepare site-two code to be a micro frontend
  6. Prepare the container to display site-two

Create the new site

In packages/ folder, create the new site.

microfrontend-demo> cd packages
microfrontend-demo/packages> yarn create react-app site-two --template=typescript

This site should be setup in packages/site-two.

Configure site to be used as a Yarn workspace

In packages/site-two/package.json change the name property to @microfrontend-demo/site-two.

  "name": "@microfrontend-demo/site-two",
  "version": "0.1.0"
  // ...

Add site-two scripts to main package.json

In ./package.json add the following to the scripts.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "site-two:start": "yarn workspace @microfrontend-demo/site-two start",
    "site-two": "yarn workspace @microfrontend-demo/site-two"

Script puropses:

  • site-two is a utility script that can be used to run commands on the site-two package
  • It's most usefule when adding packages. site-two:start starts the dev server for site-two

Add site-two to the main startup script

In ./package.json update the start script to include site-two.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "start": "concurrently -n site-one,site-two,container \"yarn site-one:start\" \"yarn site-two:start\" \"yarn container:start\""

This project uses concurrently to run multiple commands in parallel. It uses the -n command line parameter to name each of the scripts it is running. This is simply to make sense of the CLI output.

Prepare site-two code to be a micro frontend

  1. Create a file for the environment variables to configure the site. in the packages/site-two folder, create a file .env.development and add the following:

    • PORT=9002 change the port the site will run on to 9002
    • BROWSER=none prevents the browser from being launched by default
  2. Setup dev server to accept cross origin requests by creating the file packages/site-two/src/setupProxy.js and adding the following:

    module.exports = (app) => {
      app.use((req, res, next) => {
        res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
  3. Update packages/site-two/src/index.tsx to be a micro frontend

    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import App from './App';
    import reportWebVitals from './reportWebVitals';
    // render micro frontend function
    window.renderSiteTwo = (containerId: string) => {
      ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById(containerId));
    // unmount micro frontend function
    window.unmountSiteTwo = (containerId: string) => {
      const element = document.getElementById(containerId);
      if (element) {

    Naming here is extremely important as it's used by the Container. In this case, we are naming our micro frontend SiteTwo so the container id is going to be SiteTwo-container and our methods to mount/unmount are window.renderSiteTwo and window.unmountSiteTwo respectively.

    Add the following to mount the site to the root node so it can be developed in isolation of the rest of the application.

    if (!document.getElementById('SiteTwo-container')) {
      ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

    Note: TypeScript will show errors for the methods specified above. Unrecog

    To fix this, create a file packages/site-two/global.t.ds and add the following:

    declare global {
      interface Window {
        renderSiteTwo: any;
        unmountSiteTwo: any;
    // this is required for the file to be recognized
    export {};

Prepare the container to display site-two

  1. Add the new site's URL to an environment variable in the container project. Add the following to packages/container/.env.development

  2. Add the micro frontend for site-two in packages/container/src/App.tsx

    // Import the environment variable for site two
    const {
      // ...
    } = process.env;
    const SiteTwo = () => {
      return (
        <MicroFrontend host={REACT_APP_SITE_TWO_FRONT_END} name="SiteTwo" />
  3. Add the route to site-two to the container application in packages/container/src/App.tsx

      <Route path="/site-one" component={SiteOne} />
      <Route path="/site-two" component={SiteTwo} />
  4. Add a link to site-two to the container application in packages/container/src/App.tsx

        <NavLink to="/">Home</NavLink>
        <NavLink to="/site-one">Site One</NavLink>
        <NavLink to="/site-two">Site Two</NavLink>
  5. Start the application and browse to http://localhost:3000

    microfrontend-demo> yarn start