
Ecommerce REST API ASP.NET core web-api template

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Diablo-Cms Ecommerce


Simple implementation of a REST application for e-commerce with ASP.NET core 5.0

🚀 Quick Start

Need a dependency of the .NET core SDK 5.0

git clone https://github.com/eldiablo-1226/Diablo-Cms-Ecommerce.git
cd Diablo-Cms-Ecommerce
dotnet run --project DiabloCms.Server

⚙️ Customize


JWT Bearer token. Change this value to production version.

File path - DiabloCms.Server / appsettings.json

"JWTToken": "{YourKey}"


Connection string

File path - DiabloCms.Data / CmsDbContextFactory.cs

private const string MsSqlConnectionString = "{Connection-String}";

EF Migration

dotnet ef migrations add Init --project DiabloCms.Data
dotnet ef database update --project DiabloCms.Data

Sentry log traces

Sentry Api key

File path - DiabloCms.Server / Program.cs

webHostBuilder.UseSentry(o =>
    o.Dsn = "{YourKey}";
    o.ServerName = "DiabloCms";

🧑🏻‍💻 Built with

🙆🏻‍♂️ Author - Sayfiev Shakhzod

📝 License

This project is licensed under MIT license.