
connect-cradle is a middleware session store for the connect framework.

connect-cradle Connect Session Store with Cradle

connect-cradle is a Cradle session store backed by cradle, and is insanely fast :). Requires cradle >= 0.1.0 for the SETEX command.


This code is not working atm, more testing needed. Pull request are welcome. Do not blame me if your cat explode while trying to authenticate to your project with this session store! :3


  $ npm install connect-cradle


  • host Redis server hostname
  • port Redis server portno
  • db Database index to use
  • pass Password for Redis authentication
  • ... Remaining options passed to the redis createClient() method.


Due to npm 1.x changes, we now need to pass connect to the function connect-cradle exports in order to extend connect.session.Store:

var connect = require('connect')
 	  , CradleStore = require('connect-cradle')(connect);

  // 5 minutes
  connect.session({ store: new CradleStore, secret: 'keyboard cat' })

This means express users may do the following, since express.session.Store points to the connect.session.Store function:

var RedisStore = require('connect-cradle')(express);

Readme.md Thanks

Tj I almost feel shame to copy bit-a-bit most of your connect-redis code but I'm a really lazy programmer :P Thanks for all your work! \o/