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Custom error pages for Traefik

A bunch of custom error pages for Traefik built with Jekyll.


Install dependencies

$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

If you want to build the project on your host:

$ jekyll build

If you want to preview the pages before building the Docker image :

$ jekyll serve
$ open

How to use with Traefik and Docker

Labels are already define in the image to work with Traefik.

To use it in production just run the container :

$ docker run -d --restart always eldorplus/traefik-custom-error-pages

Build the image

This is a multi-stage build, to build the final image:

$ docker build -f .cloud/docker/Dockerfile -t traefik-custom-error-pages .

How it works?

As you can see in the Dockerfile, I use Nginx as Web server to serve static files. To generate this pages, I use Jekyll in the first step of the build.

For traefik, I hardcoded Labels in the Dockerfile.

You will find in this article why I set up priority and rule this way.

LABEL traefik.frontend.priority="1"
LABEL traefik.frontend.rule="HostRegexp:{catchall:.*}"

It's very useful because this container will respond to all requests only if there is no container with a real rule.


I used the Laravel default HTTP error pages.


Do not hesitate to contribute to the project by adapting or adding features ! Bug reports or pull requests are welcome.


This project is released under the MIT license.