This is a basic example of inter-process communication using fork() and pipe() in C++ Includes an example of creating a C++ stream from a file descriptor and how to read/write from/to it using << and >> operators Needs GCC's libstdc++ and a POSIX environment Usage: $ make $ ./parent Output: Parent: I'll send the child a message. Parent: Child just said through stdout: "Program: I've received: 'Hello Child!'" Parent: Child just said through stderr: "Program: This is the error stream!" The scenario is: A parent process wants to handle another program’s input and output streams, a process-level wrapper. So the example is: A parent process forks into another child process. The parent sends the child a message, the child receives it and outputs it to the parent to show the communication works just fine. The forked process calls the program we want to control. Which in this case is the easiest C++ program ever: Just reads a line from the standard input and outputs a message containing the line just read through the standard output. In addition, another message is sent through the standard error stream. Further explanation: Resources: YoLinux Tutorial: Fork, Exec and Process control Beginning Linux programming, Matthew & Stones, Wrox Press The GNU C Library manual The GNU C++ Library manual fileno(3) on C++ Streams: A Hacker's Lament, Richard B. Kreckel Author: Diego Barrios Romero Public domain Copyleft 2011
Inter-Process Communication with C++ STL-Like streams through file descriptors