
Online text editor for ElianScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How words are structured

  • Words are at most 4 units tall
  • x position in column starts at 0
  • if letter has an up tail, move x one to the direction of the tail
  • if letter has a down tail, mark for next letter
    • if marked move x one away from the direction of the tail
    • if marked and current letter is an up tail on same side, go to next column


  • 1 units
    • a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i
  • down right
    • j, q, s, z
  • down left
    • k, p, t, y, m, v
  • up left
    • r, n, w
  • up right
    • l, u, o, x