
Causal Inference Rosetta Stone: Dictionary and thesaurus of causal inference terms across disciplines

The Causal Inference Rosetta Stone

Correlation doesn't always equal causation but it also can sometimes equal causation.

Knowing when and why and how we can be sure requires understanding causal inference methods. These can be complicated enough on their own, but to make matters worse, there are multiple different schools of causal inference that all use their own terminology and notation.

Enter, the Causal Inference Rosetta Stone. A dictionary and thesaurus to help you make sense of all the causal inference terminology out there, translate between fields, and look up unfamiliar terms.

To submit a term, definition, linkage, or correction to the CI Rosetta Stone, you can submit an issue to this repo until a more formalized submission process is finalized.

This CI Rosetta Stone is a joint work between Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Eleanor J Murray, and began life as an idea on their podcast Casual Inference.