
The purpose of this project is to create a tool for cleaning up messy spreadsheets into well-formed csv files ready for analysis and saving to a database. Written in Python.

Currently, it's a command line tool. It's in pre-release Development...not yet a release.

How to use

At this point, it's simple set of scripts (not yet a package).

To use, download the files, and run from their folder via command line. is the 'main' script.

First, Quick and Dirty version

Python 2.7 (for now) Install Python with Anaconda (2.7 version):

If you're running 3.x version of Python, install 2.7 in a venv:

Note: this is the first iteration. Though based on real-world examples, it still needs to be thoroughly tested.

run from command line with


Command line arguments


Removes extra rows at top of file

Sometimes, we get csv files with extra rows at the top of the file. These rows may be empty, or extra information like the mailing address and logo of data source.

To remove these, use

python -skim

Cases this works for:

  • First rows are completely empty
  • Extra rows, at top of file, are less than 1/2 as many cells wide as the header/data rows

Examples this works for:

These two empty rows, at the top of the csv, will be removed if '-skim' flag is used.

hd1.a hd1.b hd1.c hd2.a
001 001 001 001
002 002 002 002

In this example, the skim feature is able to detect that the first row should be removed, because the first row has only one value and the header has four values.

hd1.a hd1.b hd1.c hd2.a
001 001 001 001
002 002 002 002

Example that will fail:

The current implementation compares the length of the top rows to the 'normal' length of data rows, and this example has too few columns to use this feature.

hd1 hd2
001 001
002 002


  • If you know which row is the header, you may want to use the row selector flag instead
  • need more example files to test with, especially with extra top rows + nested headers with sparse content in first header row

select specific rows

python -rows 10 or python -rows 1-20

  • These allow you to limit the number of rows.
  • If only one number, it's assumed you want that row and all following rows.
  • Index starts at 0.

python -skim -rows 10 -cols 1-4

  • This lets you remove extra headers and save specific rows and columns from the original file

select specific columns

python -cols 2, 5-9, 12

  • functions a little differently than when selecting rows.

    • if only one num --> only that column is selected.
    • to select a column and all those following, such as all after 8, use -cols 8+
  • index starts at 0.

  • can select specific columns individually, and in ranges, by index

export in json format

python -json

  • saves data in json format
  • still working on this...

export in nested json format

python -json2

  • two levels
  • second header row is used as subheader
  • ToDo: extract subheader from data when there is an empty subheader
  • still working on this
hd1 hd2
hd1.a hd1.b hd1.c hd2.a
001 001 001 001
002 002 002 002

would be rendered as

	hd1: { hd1.a: 001, hd1.b: 001, hd1.c: 001},
 	hd2: { hd2.a: 001}
	hd1: { hd1.a: 002, hd1.b: 002, hd1.c: 002},
 	hd2: { hd2.a: 002}

Dealing with Columns without headers

Some spreadsheets have data that is categorical, but in a wide format in the table, and without header names.

example data:

hd1 hd2 hd3 hd6 hd7
001 001 001 dt4 dt5 001 001
002 002 002 002 002
003 003 003 dt4 dt5 003 003
004 004 004 004 004
005 005 005 dt4 005 005

In many examples, the data in the column is repetative and can be extracted as the name for that column.

While the data in the column may be repetative, it might not be input in exactly the same way. For example, a column may have values of 'Middle (6-8)' and 'middle school (6-8)'. Or there may be many variations. For the sake of simplicity, the shortest non-empty string becomes the header name.

When giving a column an extracted header name, currently prepending it with "****"

  • so that it's easy to see which headers are extracted in the cleaned csv. Making it easier to go in and modify 'by hand' or with eventual UI for doing this task.

Headerless columns, with only numerical data, are named 'num' + the index of the column.

Coding conventions and reasoning

  • names: Currently, variable names are in underscore_style and functions are in camelCaseStyle
  • Python version: 2.7 (soon will be Python3 compliant)

why lists of lists?

In the code, the data from the csv is in list of lists, instead of in a dataframe. Why?

  • The raw data may not have a header, so there are no labels at all for a dataframe
  • The raw data may not be consistently sized, and may contain multiple 'tables' and different dimensions
  • The raw data may have missing column names, in addition to multiple and heirarchical header rows


Unit Testing

Unit tests are currently in development.

To run existing tests:


Test files

Example csv files to test code with. Code expects them in the 'tmp' folder. XLS files now converted to csv before starting cleaning process.

Cleaned/processed files are saved in 'cleaned' folder.


  • has extra cells at top of file, that are not headers and not data. need to be removed
  • has extra numbers in cells below two collumns. need to be removed

Candidates for test files

2010 Federal STEM Education Inventory Data Set on

Mobile Food Schedule


ToDo: add option to save the skimmed rows, and removed summary tables, into an external file labeled as meta-data.