GKGtools version 1.0b1 ========================= Earliest version of GKG.NET tools one can use to update DS records via their RESTful interface. Use at your OWN risk. Currently several programs are installed: o gkgadd expects a single DNSKEY, as output from the ods-enforcer, and adds it to the list of DS keys on GKG.NET. o gkgls domain [domain...] lists out the DS keys for given domains o gkgrm domain HASH removes a DS key matching a given hash o ods-wrapper - this is an EARLY version of the wrapper one would use from ods-enforcer. IT HAS BUGS. Do not call directly from enforcer yet!!! Each of these programs takes an optional [-c conffile]. The conf file contains the following: username=GKGusername password=GKGpassword maxsiglife=nnnn admin=somebody@example.com enforcer=/usr/local/sbin/ods-enforcer maxsiglife is optional, and the default value is 3456000. Note that admin and enforcer are currently only used by a OpenDNSSEC wrapper. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Net::DNS::RR JSON::XS HTTP::Request LWP::UserAgent COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Please see LICENSE for more details. Copyright (C) 2017 by Eliot Lear See LICENSE for usage. WARNING: use at own risk. May cause bad things to happen, including warts in uncomfortable places.