
Live coding server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Live Coding Server

It is a small tool that helps you to code and run commands in slides


$ git clone https://github.com/elebeaup/live-coding-server
$ cd live-coding-server
$ npm install


npm start [-- [options]]

By default, it starts a server at port 3000.


-b, --basedir=PATH  - Directory to serve static files from (default: .)
-p, --port=NUMBER   - Port to listen (default: 3000)
--xterm.command     - Default command run in xterm (default: sh)


npm run lcs-demo

Then, open the URL on your web browser and you can see the default shell running in the browser.


  • ttyd: is a tool for sharing terminal over the web
  • demoit: is a tool that helps you create beautiful live-coding demonstrations