
Primary LanguageJavaScript


I created this programme as part of a challenge at Makers Academy.

Developed using TDD and pair programming, working with several different pairs on rotation over several afternoons.

The app has been created with JavaScript, JQuery, CSS and HTML.

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo, and clone to your local machine. Navigate into the folder.
  2. Open index.html in your browser.

Running tests

  1. Open SpecRunner.html in your browser


See original challenge instructions here (private repo).

User stories below developed from challenge specification.

User Stories

As a homeowner, 
so that I can set the temperature in my home, 
I would like my thermostat set to a default of 20 degrees.

As a homeowner's daughter
so that I can warm up my bedroom,
I would like to increase the set temperature by a certain amount.

As a homeonwer,
so that I don't waste money, 
I would like to decrease the set temperature by a certain amount.

As a landlord,
so that the pipes don't freeze,
I would like to set a minimum temperature of 10 degrees. 

As a homeowner, 
so that I can save on bills,
I want a powersaving mode which will set maximum temperature to 25 degrees.

As a homeowner's daughter, 
so that I turn the thermostat up to the max of 32,
I would like to be able to turn off power saving mode.

As a homeowner,
so that everyone can wear their jumpers inside,
I want a reset button that changes the temperature back to 20 degrees.

As a homeowner,
so that I can help save the planet,
I would like to see my thermostat's current energy useage.