
Better default styles for common input elements.

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Better default styles for common input elements.


formbase eliminates cross browser bugs, inconsistencies across systems and applies a beautiful default styling to several input elements.



Name Description Link
Default Includes all features. Try it on CodePen


  • Works in all modern browsers and IE11
  • No JavaScript, just CSS
  • Works with inputs, textareas, selects, checkboxes and radio buttons
  • Consistent styling across browsers
  • Zero dependencies


We recommend installing formbase using npm or yarn.

npm install formbase
yarn add formbase

Include the CSS file in the head

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/formbase.min.css">

…or import the SASS file directly:

@import 'src/styles/main';



<input class="input" type="text">


<textarea class="input" rows="8" cols="40"></textarea>


<select class="select">
	<option selected disabled>-</option>
	<option value="one">One</option>
	<option value="two">Two</option>


<div class="control">
	<input class="control__input" id="Radio" type="radio">
	<label class="control__label" for="Radio">Radio</label>


<div class="control">
	<input class="control__input" id="checkbox" type="checkbox">
	<label class="control__label" for="checkbox">Checkbox</label>


Import src/styles/main.scss directly to customize the look of formbase:

$formbase__prefix: ''; // Class name prefix
$formbase__margin: .9rem; // Margin
$formbase__padding: .6rem; // Padding
$formbase__select_size: 12px; // Size of the select arrow
$formbase__control_size: 20px; // Size of the checkbox and radio button (1)
$formbase__radius: 0; // Input border radius
$formbase__svg: #000; // Hex color for svgs (2)
$formbase__color: #000; // Input and label color
$formbase__placeholder: #999; // Input placeholder color
$formbase__background: #fff; // Background color
$formbase__border: #bbb; // Border color
$formbase__active: #17f; // Active highlight color
$formbase__shadow: inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); // Shadow styling
$formbase__duration: .3s; // Transition duration
$formbase__timing: ease; // Transition timing

// (1) It's recommended to use an absolute unit (px) for the control size to avoid half pixels. Half pixels can transform the circle of the radio control into an egg.
// (2) Only works with hex values

@import 'src/styles/main';

Semver strategy

Any change to CSS rules whatsoever is considered backwards-breaking and will result in a new major release. Others changes with no impact on rendering are considered backwards-compatible and will result in a new patch release. No changes to CSS rules can add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, therefore no changes are considered minor.