
Project for CS4354

Primary LanguagePython


  • The file maegenThacker.py was written by Isaiah Thacker.

  • The file maegen.py represents the changes I made to the original maegenThacker.py

  • The music, sounds, and images for the "slingers" came from Dune II

  • The music for the "swordsmen" came from Quest for Glory 5

  • The sounds and images for the "swordsmen" came from Warcraft II


How to use

Easel is by no means easy and straightforward to use. Here is how I got it working (Mac OS 10.12.1)

  • Open a terminal window and type idle3
  • Make sure the IDLE shell is the active window (You will see Python next to the Apple logo)
  • From the top menu select File->Open...
  • Open Easel.py
  • From the new window that was created when you opened Easel.py, select Run->Run Module.
  • Going back to the IDLE shell window (the original one) type play('maegen')