
Turn an epub into a very rudimentary Android app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Convert an epub into an app

This turns an epub into a very rudimentary Android app.

More specifically, it copies and adapts an epub's content into the content of very basic Apache Cordova project, which you can then adapt and build into an app for any platform that Cordova supports.


  • Currently, Windows (to use the run.bat script, alternatively see Manual usage below)
  • Node.js
  • Android Studio
  • Apache Cordova


  1. Install the Node dependencies with npm install.
  2. Edit the templates in _templates if necessary.
  3. Edit the values in config.xml.
  4. Put an epub in _source.
  5. Run run.bat and follow the prompts, completing each step in order.

Manual usage

The run.bat script for Windows (the last step above) simply manages the following steps, which you could also do manually:

  1. Unzip the epub's contents to the www folder. (That is, the mimetype file should end up in www.)
  2. In the root directory, run node appify.js --epub _source/yourepub.epub, where yourepub.epub is the filename of your epub in _source.
  3. In the root directory, run cordova build. (Sometimes you need to run cordova platform rm android && cordova platform add android first.)
  4. In the root directory, run cordova run --emulator. (Assuming you have Android Studio already set up with a default emulator.)


  • Keep text in one directory. Currently, the book-content files in the source epub must be in the same directory. That is, don't structure your epub so that some content is in subdirectories in the epub package. This is because we automatically insert a relative link to the nav file, and this link assumes that the nav file is in the same directory as the book text.
  • List all content in the nav. The only way for a user to access a content document is to find it in the navigation. There is no other way to move through the book at this point (there is no pagination, for instance).
  • Use EPUB3. This won't work on EPUB2 epubs, largely because it looks for a nav element, which is an EPUB3 thing.