Library to access GPS location data for imp006

Primary LanguageSquirrelOtherNOASSERTION

BG96 GPS 1.0.2

This library provides your application with access to GPS location data retrieved from a BG96 module. It is intended for use with the imp006.

To include this library to your project, add the following line to the top of your device code:

#require "BG96_GPS.device.lib.nut:1.0.2"

Build Status

BG96 GPS Usage

The library provides a singleton, BG_96, and therefore has no constructor. The singleton is initialized for you. All of the methods listed below should be called on BG96_GPS directly.

Usage Example

This is a very simple example that enables GNSS on the BG96 and then polls and prints out the location fix every ten seconds:

#require "BG96_GPS.device.lib.nut:1.0.2"

function onLocation(result) {
    if ("fix" in result) {
        server.log("Got fix:");
        foreach (key, value in result) {
            server.log(key + ": " + value);
            if ((typeof value) == "table") {
                foreach (k, v in value) {
                    server.log(" " + k + ": " + v);
    } else {

server.log("Enabling GNSS and getting fix...");

    // NOTE Non-assist cold fix time can be up to 12.5 mins
    //      if new almanacs and ephemerides need to be fetched
    "maxPosTime" : 90,
    "checkFreq" : 10,
    "onLocation" : onLocation

BG96 GNSS Antenna

The BG96 will need to be connected to an external antenna for GNSS operation. There are many GNSS antennas available. For simplicity and performance, an active patch antenna with integrated ground plane is preferable. We’ve had good results with the Molex 206640, but there are others such as those made by Taoglas.

BG96 GPS Methods


A helper method used to determine if GNSS is currently enabled.

Return Value

Boolean — whether GNSS is enabled (true) or disabled (false).


This method turns on GNSS with the specified options. This method will run asynchronously; please use the onEvent and/or onLocation callbacks to handle errors and schedule next tasks.

The BG96 modem must be powered on to enable GNSS.

Assist Data

If you wish to load GNSS assist data — which we strongly recommend — pass this to the library as the value of the options key assistData. Provide the binary data as a blob. The BG96 uses Quectel’s gpsOneXTRA assist data format. The latest file is available from Quectel at either of the following URLs:

The xtra2.bin data supports GPS and Glonass; the xtra3grc.bin data supports GPS, Glonass and BeiDou. Choose the data package that best meets your needs. Both are well under 50KB, so can be easily acquired by your agent and passed to the device for use in your enableGNSS() call. See the Dev Center for sample code.

You can check the validity of assist data you have already loaded using isAssistDataValid().


Parameter Type Required? Description
options Table No Configuration options for the GNSS: see Enable Options for details. If no table is passed in, or a partial table is provided, default values will be used

Enable Options

Key Value Type Description
gnssMode Integer GNSS working mode. Currently Stand Alone mode (1) is the only mode supported on the BG96. Default: 1
maxPosTime Integer The maximum positioning time in seconds. Range: 1-255. Default: 30
accuracy Integer Accuracy threshold of positioning in meters. Range: 1-1000. Default: 50
numFixes Integer Number of attempts for positioning. 0 indicates continuous positioning. Non-zero values indicate the actual number of attempts for positioning. Range 0 - 1000. Default: 0
checkFreq Integer How often in seconds fix data is returned. Range: 1 - 65535. Default: 1
retryTime Integer or Float How long to wait between retries when powering up the modem. Default: 1
locMode Integer Latitude and longitude display formats. See Location Mode Values, below, for more details. Default: 2
onEvent Function Callback to be triggered when GNSS has been enabled or some other event occurs. This function has one parameter, a table, that may contain the keys error or event. Default: no callback
onLocation Function Callback to be triggered when GNSS location data is ready. This function has one parameter: a table that may contain the keys error or fix. Default: no callback
useAssist Boolean Enable assist without loading new assist data. Default: false
assistData Blob GPS fix assist data. Default: no data

Location Mode Values

The following are the allowed values for the locMode option. Each is a member of the BG96_GNSS_LOCATION_MODE enum.

Enum Value Latitude and Longitude Format
BG96_GNSS_LOCATION_MODE.ZERO ddmm.mmmm N/S,dddmm.mmmm E/W
BG96_GNSS_LOCATION_MODE.ONE ddmm.mmmmmm N/S,dddmm.mmmmmm E/W
BG96_GNSS_LOCATION_MODE.TWO (-)dd.ddddd,(-)ddd.ddddd

Return Value



This method turns off GNSS and cancels all active location polling.

Return Value

Boolean — whether GNSS was successfully disabled (true) or not (false).


This method can be used to start polling for location data or to make a single request for location data. While most of the keys you can include in the table passed into options, you must include onLocation and a suitable callback function.

This method will not enable GNSS or the BG96 modem. If GNSS is not turned on this request will return an error.


Parameter Type Required? Description
options Table Yes Configuration options for the location request, see Location Options, below, for details

Location Options

Key Value Type Required Description
mode Integer No Latitude and longitude display formats. See Location Mode Values, above, for more details. Default: 2
poll Boolean No If false, a single location request will be triggered, otherwise a location polling loop will be started. Default: true
waitFix Boolean No If true and the modem reports it is waiting for a fix, this will not be treated as an error, otherwise an error will be issued. Default: false
checkFreq Integer No If configured to poll, how often in seconds to check for fix data. Default: 1
onLocation Function Yes Callback to be triggered when GNSS location data is ready. This function has one parameter, a table, that may contain the keys error or fix

Return Value



Cancels polling immediately without disabling GNSS.

Return Value



Check if the BG96’s assist data is valid or not present.

This method returns a value, but also issues notifications via the onEvent callback (see EnableGNSS() Options). The table passed to the callback will include the key data, which is a table: it has the key valid, which will be true if the data is valid, otherwise false. If valid is true, data will also contain the key time to provide the remaining validity period in minutes.

If the validity could not be determined, eg. the modem is off, the onEvent table will contain a single key, error.

Return Value

Boolean — true if the assist data is valid, or false if the data is invalid or validity could not be determined.


Delete any installed assist data. Note This call will also disable GNSS.


Parameter Type Required? Description
mode Integer No The desired reset mode (see gnss-session.assist.reset())

Return Value


Release Notes

  • 1.0.2
    • Corrected the isAssistDataValid function
  • 1.0.1
    • Implement BG96 GNSS default states, reset modes as constants.
    • Better GNSS availability testing.
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial public release.


The BG96 GPS library is licensed under the MIT License. Copyright 2023 KORE Wireless.