
The iOS BlinkUp SDK made available for git sub-module usage.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

The Electric Imp BlinkUp SDK for iOS

This repo contains the Electric Imp BlinkUp™ SDK for iOS as it is made available to Electric Imp customers. It mirrors the downloadable files hosted by the Dev Center, but in a form that allows developers to add the SDK to their iOS app projects as a Swift Package.

Note The SDK was previously made available as a Git sub-module. This mode is now deprecated and will shortly be removed. We strongly recommend customers add the SDK to their iOS app projects using Xcode’s Swift Package Manager as outlined below.

Swift Package Installation

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency... and add this repo as a dependency.
  3. Apply your preferred dependency rules.
  4. Ensure that your targets Build Settings has -ObjC set for Other Linker Flags

Moving to Swift Package Manager from a manual install or sub-module

  1. If you have previously had the SDK installed via sub-module, you can remove the sub-module reference in your git repository.
  2. The BlinkUp.embeddedframework can be deleted from your Xcode Project.
  3. If you wish, you can remove your targets Build Settings for the Framework Search Paths that references the old framework.

BlinkUp SDK Documentation

To learn how to use the BlinkUp SDK in your app, please see the SDK documentation (HTML).

Release Notes and Known Issues

Please see the Dev Center SDK page, or the SDK documentation in this repo.

Pull Requests

The BlinkUp SDK repo is considered solely for consumption by a customer’s project. We will not be accepting pull requests made to this repo. If you have support or related questions concerning the SDK, please submit them through your customer account’s Electric Imp Support access.

Sub-module Installation

Important This mode is deprecated and will shortly be removed.

To install the SDK as a sub-module, navigate to your project repo directory and then enter the following command:

git submodule add https://github.com/electricimp/BlinkUpSDK-iOS.git

This will add the SDK repo as a sub-module referenced in the file .gitmodules, which will be added if it is not yet present. You can now push your local repo to its origin:

git push origin <working_branch>

To update the sub-module contents at any time, eg. in a build script, call:

git submodule update --remote

The BlinkUp SDK is copyright © 2024, KORE Wireless.