
LoRa Driver for RN2903 Module

Primary LanguageSquirrelOtherNOASSERTION


This library provides driver code for Microchip’s RN2903 and RN2483 Low-Power Long Range LoRa Technology Transceiver modules. These modules provide low-power solution for long range wireless data transmission that complies with the LoRaWAN Class A protocol specifications.

To use this library, add #require "RN2xxx.device.lib.nut:1.0.0" to the top of your device code.

Class Usage

Constructor: RN2xxx(uart, reset[, debug])

The constructor takes two required parameters to instantiate the class: uart the uart bus that the chip is connected to, and reset the pin the module's reset pin is connected to. The reset pin must be active low. The constructor will configure the reset pin. The optional debug parameter is a boolean that enables debug logging on incoming and outgoing uart traffic.

local UART = hardware.uart1;
local RESET_PIN = hardware.pinH;

lora <- LoRa_RN2xxx(UART, RESET_PIN);

Class Methods

init(banner[, callback])

The init() method configures the uart and checks for the module's expected banner. The method takes one required parameter banner, RN2xxx.RN2903_BANNER for the RN2903 module or RN2xxx.RN2483 for the RN2483 module, and one optional parameter callback, a function that will run when the initialization has completed. The callback function takes one parameter, it will contain an error message if initialization fails or null if initialization was successful.

lora.init(RN2xxx.RN2903_BANNER function(err) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    lora.send("radio set mod lora");


The hwReset() method toggles the reset pin. This method blocks for 0.01 seconds.



The send() method takes one required parameter command, a string command. Here are the command references for each module: RN2903, RN2483. Below are some examples of a few different commands.

// set the radio mode to lora
lora.send("radio set mod lora");

// set the radio to continuous receive mode
lora.send("radio rx 0");

// send "TX OK" message
lora.send("radio tx FF0000005458204F4B00");


The setReceiveHandler() takes one required parameter receiveCallback, a function that will be called whenever a response or data is received. The receiveCallback takes one parameter the response/data received.

function receive(data) {
    if (data.len() > 10 && data.slice(0,10) == "radio_rx  ") {
        // We have received a packet
        // Add code to handle data here, for now just log the incoming data
        // Send ACK
        lora.send("radio tx FF0000005458204F4B00");
    } else if (data == "radio_tx_ok" || data == "radio_err") {
        // Queue next receive
        lora.send("radio rx 0");
    } else if (data != "ok") {
        // Unexpected response


Full Example:

#require "RN2xxx.device.lib.nut:1.0.0"

// LoRa Settings
const RADIO_MODE = "lora";
const RADIO_FREQ = 915000000;
const RADIO_SPREADING_FACTOR = "sf7"; // 128 chips
const RADIO_BANDWIDTH = 125;
const RADIO_CODING_RATE = "4/5";
const RADIO_CRC = "on"; // crc header enabled
const RADIO_SYNC_WORD = 12;
const RADIO_POWER_OUT = 14;
const RADIO_RX_WINDOW_SIZE = 0; // contiuous mode

// LoRa Commands
const MAC_PAUSE = "mac pause";
const RADIO_SET = "radio set";
const RADIO_RX = "radio rx";
const RADIO_TX = "radio tx";

// LoRa Com variables
const TX_HEADER = "FF000000";
const TX_FOOTER = "00";
const ACK_COMMAND = "5458204F4B" // "TX OK"

local initCmdIdx = 0;
initCommands <- [ format("%s mod %s", RADIO_SET, RADIO_MODE),
                  format("%s freq %i", RADIO_SET, RADIO_FREQ),
                  format("%s sf %s", RADIO_SET, RADIO_SPREADING_FACTOR),
                  format("%s bw %i", RADIO_SET, RADIO_BANDWIDTH),
                  format("%s cr %s", RADIO_SET, RADIO_CODING_RATE),
                  format("%s crc %s", RADIO_SET, RADIO_CRC),
                  format("%s sync %i", RADIO_SET, RADIO_SYNC_WORD),
                  format("%s wdt %i", RADIO_SET, RADIO_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT),
                  format("%s pwr %i", RADIO_SET, RADIO_POWER_OUT),
                  format("%s %i", RADIO_RX, RADIO_RX_WINDOW_SIZE) ];

local UART = hardware.uart1;
local RESET_PIN = hardware.pinH;
lora <- LoRa_RN2483(UART, RESET_PIN);

function receive(data) {
    if (data.len() > 10 && data.slice(0,10) == "radio_rx  ") {
        // We have received a packet
        // Add code to handle data here, for now just log the incoming data
        // Send ACK
        lora.send( format("%s %s%s%s", RADIO_TX, TX_HEADER, ACK_COMMAND, TX_FOOTER) );
    } else if (data == "radio_tx_ok" || data == "radio_err") {
        // Queue next receive
        lora.send( format("%s %i", RADIO_RX, RADIO_RX_WINDOW_SIZE) );
    } else if (data != "ok") {
        // Unexpected response

function sendNextInitCmd(data = null) {
    if (data == "invalid_param") {
        // Set init command failed - log it
        server.error("Radio command failed: " + data);
    } else if (initCmdIdx < initCommands.len()) {
        // Get command at the current index pointer, and increment the index pointer
        local command = initCommands[initCmdIdx++];
        // Send command to LoRa
    } else {
        // Radio ready to receive, set to our receive handler

function loraInitHandler(err) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        // Set receive callback to loop through initialization commands
        // Start sending initialization commands

// Initialize LoRa Radio and open a receive handler
lora.init(RN2xxx.RN2903_BANNER loraInitHandler);