Electric Imp offers two libraries to support the u-blox M8N GPS module: a device-side driver class, and a message parser. The libraries are based on the commands defined in the u-blox receiver protocol specification.
This is a UART driver for u-blox M8N GPS module.
To include this library in your project, add #require "UBloxM8N.device.lib.nut:1.0.1"
at the top of your device code.
This is a parser for UBX binary messages. For information about UBX message, please see the u-blox receiver protocol specification.
The parser is implemented as a table, so parsing functions can be added and customized. A small number of messages have been selected as a base. These commands are detailed in the documentation.
To include this library in your project, add #require "UbxMsgParser.lib.nut:2.0.1"
at the top of your code.
These examples show how to use the UBloxM8N driver, with both the UbxMsgParser (for parsing UBX messages) and GPSParser (for parsing NMEA sentences). All examples run on the device only.
These libraries are licensed under the MIT License.