[Data Issue]: Netherlands: Unknown all mapped to geothermal, when it's actually a mix of various technologies?
Opened this issue · 6 comments
When did this happen?
Observed it today
What zones are affected?
What is the problem?
So, current NL Geothermal production is ~220MW according to ElectricityMaps, which corresponds with the production of 'other' at the data source NED.nl. However, NED.nl makes it clear that this actually a mixture of sources, mentioning hydropower, biogas and biomass* specifically).
* Must be dedicated biomass, as biomass co-firing with coal is already accounted for
Thank you for reporting @q--. I took a quick look, and the only thing that we are mapping to geothermal is "Type 9", which they classify as Geothermal here: https://ned.nl/nl/handleiding-api. I'm using the Google translated webpage, so I might be misunderstanding the docs. What is your analysis? Our mapping can be seen here:
Lines 23 to 36 in 61d7447
I don't know about their API (I did notice there's also a HeatPump
field though, so they're probably supporting or planning to support non-electricity energy).
However, according to Geothermie Nederland, there is no geothermal electricity production in the Netherlands. Their locations list also doesn't list any geothermal electricity installations, only heat.
So my suspicion is that this category is actually biogas, dedicated biomass and hydropower (and perhaps other energy sources not mentioned) instead of geothermal.
(I'm assuming that the category reported as 'geothermal' by ElectricityMaps is the same as the production of 'other' at the data source NED.nl because they produced the same amount of MW when I checked. Alternatively, it might've been a fluke that they were identical and 9
is actually geothermal heat or something. In any case, I don't think it's geothermal electricity because I don't know of any geothermal electricity plant(s) in the Netherlands.)
I suggest that we remove it in that case.
Only if you can confirm this is indeed not electricity generation, otherwise the type needs to be changed to "unknown" and get a carbon intensity override for hydro + biomass/-gas. I saw the NED website mention that they based those types on the Dutch statistics office CBS, so presumably they would have the share each contributes.
Yes, we should look more into ned.nl to ensure that we understand the types. I'm basing my assumption on the fact that we already have higher unknown (and total) production than Eurostat, which would be the most official data source that we usually compare to.
For now I have removed the geothermal/type 9 from the parser, so we do not show Netherlands producing any geothermal electricity.