
Explore the slides and resources from our 3rd edition of Workshops Season. Learn about Hardware Engineering, 3D Printing, Embedded Systems, and PCB Design. Dive into cutting-edge technologies and enhance your skills with hands-on workshops.

MIT LicenseMIT

Workshops Season 2023 (Ed 3.0)


License Open Source Love

Welcome to the repository of our Electro's Workshops Season 2023! Here, you'll find a wealth of knowledge and resources from our workshops, covering a diverse range of topics in the fields of Hardware Engineering, 3D Printing and Design, Embedded Systems, and PCB Design.


This repository contains the workshop materials and slides from our exciting workshops conducted during the 2023 edition. Whether you're a club member, a curious learner, or someone interested in these fields, you'll find valuable resources here.

Workshop Topics:

  • Overview: Introduction to Hardware Engineering with a focus on Embedded Systems, Industrial Automation, Electronics, FpGAs, ASIC, etc.
  • Comparison: Highlighting the distinctions between hardware and software engineering.
  • Software Engineering: Touching upon Data Science, Web Development, App Development, DevOps, AI, and more.
  • 3D Printing: Types of 3D printers, effective usage, slicing with Ultimaker Cura, and building a 3D printer from scratch.
  • SolidWorks: An overview of 3D design, including sketching, part creation, assembly, and more.
  • Embedded Systems Overview: Understanding microcontrollers vs. microprocessors, MCU internals, and programming basics.
  • Practical Session: Configuring STM32 pins, programming with STM32CubeIDE, and hands-on experience with GPIOs, ADCs, DMA, Timers, SPI, I2C, etc.
  • PCB Basics: Insight into PCB manufacturing, essential materials, design principles, and common mistakes.
  • KiCad Workshop: Designing a simple PCB using KiCad 6 software and learning how to order it online.

How to Access Workshop Slides:

Each workshop's slides are available in the corresponding folder within this repository. Click on the slides folder above to access the presentation materials.

We hope you find these workshops insightful and educational. Happy learning! 🚀

Thank You!

Please ⭐ this repo to help us improve the quality.


Here are some pictures taken during our Workshops Season's Workshops!

Pictures Captured During The Workshops

3D Design Workshop, Picture 1 3D Design Workshop, Picture 2
image image
Embedded Workshop, Picture 3 Embedded, Workshop Picture 4
image image
PCB Design Workshop, Picture 5 PCB Design Workshop, Picture 6
image image

Get Started

  1. Install this repository, click here to install it. Or use git command:
git clone https://github.com/electro-sc/Workshops-Season-2023.git
  1. Extract the folder and open it.
  2. Navigate for the Slides folder in order to see our presentations.


The content of this project is licenced under the MIT License.

Contributing 💡

If you want to contribute to this project and make it better with new ideas, your pull request is very welcomed.
If you find any issue just put it in the repository issue section, thanks!

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