A platform to ease integration&delivery of React Native apps in existing mobile applications
- 0
Dependency issues related to Android API 34
#1912 opened by pai-djkim - 1
Unreliable unit tests
#1908 opened by friederbluemle - 0
- 8
- 3
perfrom "ern run-android" in new miniAPP, error:Couldn't find 'react-native-electrode-bridge' matches 1.0.0'
#1901 opened by hanren726 - 2
Detect cocoapods issue
#1899 opened by darwineee - 2
run ern run-ios this command, i got a error
#1866 opened by tianzige666 - 0
Add `.cjs` support in the generated Metro config
#1892 opened by leonardlib - 0
Still using node-ipc instead of the fork
#1898 opened by safe-oss - 3
ern run-ios failing with mkdirp error
#1891 opened by fhkarczeski - 0
Error while try to add native app on cauldron
#1890 opened by AndradeMaicon - 0
Error while creating miniapp
#1887 opened by AlejandroGutierrezB - 0
- 6
Container generator stuck with Node.js 17+
#1837 opened by friederbluemle - 0
Failed to construct transformer: Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported (Node.js 17+)
#1879 opened by friederbluemle - 1
How Unity to interact electrode-native ?
#1867 opened by tianzige666 - 7
An error occurred: At least one MiniApp or JS API implementation is needed to generate a composite
#1865 opened by tianzige666 - 0
ern run-android failing as react component not found even babel plugin "module-resolver" is there
#1864 opened by ashishvista - 1
- 17
execute ern run-android error message comes
#1772 opened by chc7042 - 0
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Apply patch for react-native version
#1845 opened by marc-simon - 7
Cannot create plugin for modules written in Kotlin
#1757 opened by ryanliljestrom - 0
ern regen-api error message misleading
#1764 opened by friederbluemle - 0
ern code-push release doesn't recognize custom application name in cauldron
#1843 opened by ozcanzaferayan - 0
Random unit test failures on CI
#1842 opened by friederbluemle - 2
- 2
Unable to get the CodePush config to use
#1836 opened by ozcanzaferayan - 1
Support for main branch naming
#1840 opened by ozcanzaferayan - 0
Module ElectrodeBridgeTransceiver requires main queue setup since it overrides `constantsToExport` but doesn't implement `requiresMainQueueSetup`.
#1839 opened by ozcanzaferayan - 0
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[Quesion] what block code was that in container initialization section in the document ?
#1827 opened by tranducduong1994 - 0
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Pass config to miniapp and read that config
#1826 opened by zeabdelkhalek - 1
Error: 'Miniapp has not been registered ....' , crash in release apk when native parent app is a React Native Project
#1822 opened by adiwon9555 - 0
Ern run-android
#1817 opened by Mohul44 - 1
Android app crashes on navigating back from MiniApps
#1789 opened by faisalmohd83 - 4
backPressed results in app Crash
#1777 opened by faisalmohd83 - 0
Unstripped .so libraries and the WalmartLabs RN artifact
#1784 opened by egor-n - 0
Any plans for API documentation (for iOS/Android)?
#1776 opened by faisalmohd83 - 6
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iOS ElectrodeBridgeTransceiver Thread Issue
#1774 opened by nadimalam - 1
Getting startWithConfigurations:ernDelegate error while building the ios app
#1773 opened by cjoshi85 - 0
Code generation for plain maps isn't working on Android
#1754 opened by LcTwisk - 2
Unable to resolve module "react" when using "ern link" with local MiniApp, remote cauldron (v0.44)
#1718 opened by ryanliljestrom - 2
[Feature request] Ship native code in MiniApps
#1723 opened by LcTwisk - 0
[Electrode Native 0.45]: Android can not add react-native-gesture-handler
#1742 opened by testingonline - 15
- 1
Cannot "ern link" with a cauldron: "Unable to resolve module 'undefined' from 'index.ios.js'"
#1713 opened by ryanliljestrom