
Electron Highlighter Syntax for Sublime Text 3

Sublime Electron Highlighter

This is my Electron Highlighter syntax ported over to a Sublime Text 3 color scheme. It is still pretty early-stage but it's functional enough at this point that I'm okay putting it out here.

Is there a UI theme?

For now, I don't have any plans to make it a full-fledged UI theme, it's just a color scheme. Sublime UI themes require a lot more work to build out, whereas Atom has UI themes that adapt to your color scheme automatically, and VS Code only has one UI theme and you style both the UI and editor in the same package.

That being said, I haven't found an accompanying UI theme that fits super well so I might very well do it at some point. One Dark, Material Palenight, and Spacegray themes all look okay with this color scheme. I'm honestly considering forking one of those and modifying some colors and calling it a day.

Fair enough. How do I get this?

Eventually I'll probably publish this on npm and/or PackageControl but for now, you'll want to clone or download the repo and install the Electron Highlighter.sublime-color-scheme file to your Packages directory. Then it will be available to select.

What does it look like?

It looks like the other Electron Highlighter themes (for Atom and VS Code)

I'll try to get some screenshots up soon.