Templates bundled with Electron Forge <= 5 to create Electron apps using popular JavaScript frameworks
Pinned issues
- 6
Add angular-1.x template
#3 opened by MarshallOfSound - 2
Add ESLint support for Vue.js templates
#9 opened by malept - 1
Angular 2 - tslint config
#18 opened by bartcich - 9
Cannot find module 'vueify/lib/insert-css'
#26 opened by IT-MikeS - 3
- 5
- 4
VSCode debug not working for angular2 template
#35 opened by pegatron - 11
Pre-processors import (Sass/Less) not working
#39 opened by walleXD - 1
Add Aurelia template
#44 opened by MarshallOfSound - 2
- 1
Visual Studio 2015 Guide
#52 opened by schodemeiss - 7
Cannot find namespace 'Electron' on new project
#54 opened by nrlquaker - 1
- 1
Typescript Paths
#57 opened by miguelramos - 1
- 1
Why is prefer stateless function disabled?
#60 opened by JemarJones - 6
React Template - UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: spawn unzip ENOENT
#63 opened by polarathene - 1
angular update?
#65 opened by Atomzwieback - 0
Archiving Repository
#66 opened by malept - 6
- 4
Unexpected token: React - Arrow Functions
#62 opened by S-Mitterlehner - 4
Update angular template to v4
#43 opened by MarshallOfSound - 7
- 0
Add ESLint support to React template
#11 opened by soulchainer - 4
mkdir Error on React built app's setup
#49 opened by Crevax - 2
electron-forge lint error
#48 opened by nrlquaker - 0
- 5
Angular2 SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
#45 opened by casc99 - 2
React HMR doesn't work consistently
#41 opened by walleXD - 6
- 7
[request] Add Inferno template
#40 opened - 3
- 1
Add Ember template
#4 opened by MarshallOfSound - 9
Vue-awesome not integrating with electron-forge [ Modules with ES6 imports ]
#36 opened by khawarizmus - 2
[React] Component import CSS
#32 opened by eksavoy - 3
VSCode Debug: Template - React & Typescript
#34 opened by mtompkins - 1
Unexpected Token <
#28 opened by Marcus122 - 1
Serious security issues
#30 opened by khawarizmus - 1
TypeScript errors not displayed
#27 opened by danielearwicker - 3
Angular2 Template app doesn't start
#24 opened by zorro2b - 5
Initial Start for react-typescript fails
#23 opened by EldoranDev - 4
Angular 2 Template not working
#19 opened by bjines - 1
Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined
#22 opened by sierrodc - 1
Angular2 - emitDecoratorMetadata for DI
#17 opened by bartcich - 2
remote examples?
#15 opened by chadbr - 0
Convert to template modules
#2 opened by MarshallOfSound