
npm start not work

ahmedNY opened this issue · 4 comments

jo-wu commented

...Did you run npm install before npm start?

jo-wu commented

I just run this sample successfully, I can't figure your problem out, cause I am new to it too.
but I think your problem is in your developer enviroment, below is mine:
ubuntu 16.04
node v12.13.0
npm 6.12.0
"electron": "^6.0.8",
"typescript": "^3.6.0"
I hope this might help you solve the problem

I had the same issue trying to run the app after a simple and clean npm i + npm start. No errors, no messages, nothing, just a window that was supposed to open... won't open.

Solved the issue cleaning the cache (removing the folders) of all my electron apps in AppData > Roaming as it's explained here: electron-userland/electron-prebuilt-compile#36

I'm running the examples on a Windows 10 64bits.