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How to unpack multiple directory in asar archive
#1775 opened by AlijonMurodov - 2
ASAR integrity info corrupt in crossplatform build
#1780 opened by Lemonexe - 4
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Issue with notarizing Electron App
#1774 opened by timeowilliams - 3
electron-packager does not recognize 64-bit wine installations that do not include the wine64 command
#1515 opened by hexaheximal - 0
Issue with "Presence of readable code and query in my exe built using electro-packager "
#1770 opened by PRP15-dev - 1
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`app.setLoginItemSettings` works incorrectly while packaged with the environment variable `--win32metadata.requested-execution-level=requireAdministrator`
#1366 opened by ch1ny - 1
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Multiple `(node:17870) [DEP0174] DeprecationWarning: Calling promisify on a function that returns a Promise is likely a mistake.`
#1715 opened by eXhumer - 1
Packaged OutPut Trying to Recompile on Target - What Are Client-Target Requirements.
#1747 opened by greenvilleassociates - 1
Suggest adding the command to package asar files
#1738 opened by Whirity404 - 3
packagerConfig.afterAsar hook causes long build waits
#1729 opened by nijinekoyo - 4
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Publish version 17 to npm
#1701 opened by rotu - 2
API regression: default is not a function in 18.1.2
#1700 opened by rotu - 2
Provide an option to preserve the state of the node_modules when packaging
#1684 opened by JasonYeMSFT - 1
Incorrect error message when --out is set to the folder containing the entry point
#1685 opened by Renpona - 4
error when packageConfig.tmpdir set to false
#1679 opened by ianho - 6
Error: spawn /usr/bin/node ENOENT when launching a process with child_process.spawn from app packaged with electron-packager
#1580 opened by alintintesan - 0
App crashes on MAS after uploading correctly app
#1653 opened by BenLaKnet - 2
Unable to read preload script cdv-electron-preload.js
#1646 opened by BenLaKnet - 1
EPERM: operation not permitted, rmdir <path>
#1643 opened by navdeepm20 - 2
Electron Packager 18.1.2 breaks electron-forge
#1637 opened by benbucksch - 3
The link to API documentation is broken
#1631 opened by higracehuang - 0
Mac OS Arm64 is corrupted when built on Linux 64
#1611 opened by coreybruce - 4
Unable to run .exe file created for windows using electron-packager and electron-builder
#1353 opened by gyanig - 4
Using sqlite3, it appears that the sqlite3 module is not found after compilation.
#1509 opened by yang19841021 - 7
Ignoring `node_gyp_bins` directory is not working, causes signed & notarized apps not to pass gatekeeper
#1444 opened by samdesota - 2
risc-v is not supported
#1583 opened by ahbool - 1
--win32metadata.requested-execution-level=requireAdministrator Can't create shortcut desktop app when install app after build.
#1560 opened by PhiHoangNguyen13799 - 0
`--arch=all` broken on macOS
#1542 opened by erickzhao - 2
ci: dest already exists flake
#1421 opened by erickzhao - 2
when running NPM start then getting error, It seems to me that /Release/wm folder missing, But not getting folder even reinstalling package "electron-active-window"
#1463 opened by yogeshchaudhary - 2
Packager outputs to console error on successful build.
#1507 opened by nohbdy1 - 1
Package an Electron app on an Apple Silicon chip for Windows with Electron Packager
#1511 opened by El-Tommy - 1
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Cannot output in the same directory its inputting
#1460 opened by adminy - 1
Electron Packager bails when used in conjunction with RXJS 7.8 (EP 17.1.1)
#1470 opened by inthegarage - 3
`appIcon` option does nothing
#1462 opened by gregcotten - 4
asar.unpack not working with glob syntax
#1459 opened by tripower - 0
-all should not attempt to build Linux/ia32 since it fails to find required files
#1447 opened by markddrake - 4
EEXIST: file already exists, symlink 'Versions/Current/Electron Framework' -> '/private/tmp/electron-packager/darwin-x64-template/ Framework.framework/Electron Framework'
#1442 opened by SouravSanganeria26 - 3
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[test]: can't run test suite locally on MacOS arm64
#1392 opened by VerteDinde - 1
fix invite link to discord server
#1374 opened by Finetuned - 1