
"Unable to parse version string" is not a specific enough error for win32 targets

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I believe "Unable to parse version string" is too vague of an error message. If I have the following options, you can see that build-version is the field with an incorrectly formatted version.

    dir: ".artifacts/app",
    platform: "win32",
    arch: "ia32",
    out: ".artifacts/package",
    name: "MyApp",
    version: "1.3.1",
    "build-version": "private",
    "app-version": "0.8.7",
    icon: "icon",
    "app-bundle-id": "com.microsoft.MyApp",
    "helper-bundle-id": "com.microsoft.MyAppHelper",
    "version-string": {
        CompanyName: "MyCompany",
        LegalCopyright: "Copywrite (C) 2015 MyCompany. All rights reserved",
        ProductName: "My Application",
        FileDescription: "My Application",
        OriginalFilename: "MyApp.exe",
        InternalName: "MyApp"

However, debugging output displays nothing helpful, and "Unable to parse version string" doesn't tell me which version string is bad, neither does it give the value it did try to parse.

This error message should be improved to tell me which property it was trying to parse and the value it received and tried to parse.

Unfortunately, this error comes from rcedit, not Electron Packager. Could you please file a bug in the rcedit issue tracker? (And link it here, if you could.)

We can't do anything actionable on this bug (other than possibly version bumping node-rcedit when that gets released, if it ends up being a minor release instead of a patch release), so I'm closing it.