
Where can i change the points of a building using the .cpp files? (not rules.ini)

Bast75 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi all,
I've created a mod with a better AI which builds Naval, Air stuff and Nukes also.
Also it handles its cash a lot smarter to prevent running out. It's almost unbeatable in 1 vs 1.

As final touch i want to change a few buildings it points value so the AI knows the importance of the buildings etc.
It attacks buildings with an higher point value first.
Where in de source code (.ccp of .h) can i find this?

WarFactory = 90 points
PowerPlant = 95 points
Construction Yard = 100 points

Hope someone can give me a hint in the right direction.


I know you can do it in rules.ini, but i want to overwrite it using the source code

Found it, it's done in tech.cpp