
Command line tools for retrieving data from moves-app (in nodejs)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

moves liberator

This simple command-line tool makes it easy to get a copy of your complete location history OUT of Moves App and to store it safely in json. Executes mostly from command line, with one browser OAuth handshake at the beginning to get an access token.


  1. nodejs (including npm)
  2. moves app

Set up and usage

  1. Clone this respository
  2. Install node.js on your platform
  3. Run npm install
  4. Create a new app on dev.moves-app.com
  5. Set the redirect URL of your app to be http://localhost:8001/moves Note that this port has to be free because your browser will redirect to this URL.
  6. Locate the Client ID and Client Secret in the Development tab of your app, and copy these into a local text file
  7. Run: ./get_token.js --cid [your clientid] --csecret [your csecret] > tokens.json This will output a URL. Open a browser to that URL and follow the instructions. When this terminates, proceed.
  8. Run: ./get_data.js --tokens [path_to_tokens_json] > data.json
  9. Enjoy!! =)


  1. RDF Output
  2. Refresh token renewal
  3. Better error handling and documentation


(c) - Max Van Kleek max@hip.cat for friends at the W3C.

MIT License. Party as you like! But Don't blame me if stuff happens.