
Playing with Golang parsing of Govee temperature hydrometers

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Playing with Golang parsing of Govee temperature hydrometers

Things to Know

Bluetooth Single-Use

Processing overheard BTLE advertisements from Govee devices requires this library to be always-active-scanning. This will prevent bluetooth use by other devices. If you need bluetooth for other services, consider buying a USB dongle?


This library should be refactored to allow all overheard advertisements to be captured externally - and a subset filtered / passed into Govee temp processing (to allow maximum re-use of advertisements received by the blocked BLE device).

I have observed anamalous jumps in temperature readings by 4 degrees - yet humidity values show no such jumps. I'm exploring possible causes.


Directory Layout

I liked This project layout advice, and am leveraging it.

TODO: Review vs This

Enable BT

For Ubuntu 20.04 Rpi 3 This worked for me:

sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth
sudo vim /boot/firmware/usrcfg.txt
paste in include btcfg.txt and save
sudo reboot

Device shows up now with:

hcitool dev

Discover Devices

sudo bluetoothctl
scan on

Look for your Govee_HS074_XXXX

  • E3:60:58:E1:90:E3 Govee_H5074_90E3

Or (simpler?):

sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan --duplicates --passive


There are Bluetooth scanners available on Google Play Store.


With stderr-based logging at info and higher

sudo go run cmd/govee-mon/main.go --logtostderr

Fetching prometheus data by hand

curl http://localhost:2112/metrics

Configuring Prometheus (prometheus.yml)

- job_name: myapp
  scrape_interval: 10s
  - targets:
    - localhost:2112


Govee Overheard but not Temp Advertisements

This issue appears identical to that posted by Martso:

  • Govee advertisements are overheard
  • But not the shorter ones containing temp data

Well, somehow got it working – some combination of manually resetting the hci interfaces and enabling active scanning.

sudo hciconfig hci0 down
sudo go run cmd/govee-mon/main.go

Worked for me.