
Fast repeated multiplication of 2x2 matrices in a compiled numpy extension

Primary LanguageCGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Fast repeated multiplication of 2x2 matrices in a compiled numpy extension.


Why does this exist

This extension is the solution to a performance problem with the repeated multiplication of 2x2 numpy matrices in python. For some applications in computational science, it is necessary to take the product of between 1E4 and 1E8 matrices in a performant manner. In numpy this can be done with a for loop. However, this introduces a tight loop in python which adds significant overhead to the task. In addition, if the matrices being multiplied are small, there is additional overhead in the for loops used for the matrix product that may be avoided. The performance difference between the python implementation and this c implementation of repeated matrix multiplication is order of magnitude 1,000x.


This package is available through on PyPi. Simply run pip install matprod.


All functions in the library accept a numpy array of the n 2x2 matrices to be multiplied together. The array Ms should have the shape (2,2,n) where Ms[:,:,0] is the first matrix, Ms[:,:,1] is the second, and so on.

Two functions are presently exported from the extension. These are lprod(Ms) and cumlprod(Ms) which perform the repeated matrix left product and the cumulative left product of the matrices respectively. By left product I mean that the result of lprod(Ms) is equivalent to the code Ms[:,:,n] @ ... @ Ms[:,:,2] @ Ms[:,:,1] @ Ms[:,:,0] in numpy. The cumulative left product will also return all of the intermediate products in a (2,2,n) numpy array. The first element will be ret[:,:,0] = Ms[:,:,0], the second and third will be ret[:,:,0] = Ms[:,:,1] @ Ms[:,:,0], ret[:,:,0] = Ms[:,:,2] @ Ms[:,:,1] @ Ms[:,:,0], and so on.

Test the code out with this simple example:

import matprod

# Create a set of matrices to multiply
Ms = np.random.rand(2,2,10000)

# Take the left product

# Try out the cumulative product


The time taken to multiply 10,000 2x2 matrices by a python implementation and this library can be compared with the following scripts.

import matprod
import numpy as np
import timeit
import functools as f

# Make a test array
arr = np.random.rand(2,2,10000)*1.06

# Test the speed of the new method
testfun_new = lambda: matprod.lprod(arr)
print("Execution Time New: {:.0f} us".format(timeit.timeit(testfun_new, number=10000)/10000*1e6))

# Test the speed of the old method
testfun_old = lambda: f.reduce(np.dot, arr.T).T
print("Execution Time Old: {:.0f} ms".format(timeit.timeit(testfun_old, number=100)/100*1e3))

# Make sure they are the same
print('Relative Difference of Elements:')
print((testfun_new() - testfun_old())/testfun_old())

On my 2016-era laptop, the output of this scripts was

Execution Time New: 37 us
Execution Time Old: 25 ms

Relative Difference of Elements:
[[-6.56716376e-16 -1.34748247e-15]
 [-9.04050404e-16 -1.27529490e-15]]

This is a nearly three orders of magnitude speed-up over the python implementation! The results are also identical to machine precision.

Reporting Issues and Feature Requests

Please file an issue on the projects github page here.

Building and Testing

If you are modifying or contributing to the library please build through the python system using ./setup.py build. On Windows you will need to have Microsoft Visual Studio installed and on linux, please have gcc and the python 3 header files. Once built, test the library by running ./test.py. Please run this in a virtual environment where matprod is not already installed so gaurantee that you are testing the active project and not a previously installed version of the library.