
SwiftUI book management application.

Primary LanguageSwift

Database Design Notes

A Book has properties, and is a member of zero or more Lists. A List has properties, and contains Books and other Lists.

Properties are basic values like Strings, Numbers, Dates etc, and are used to describe things about a book or list, such as its title, publication date, and so on.

People and Roles

A person is represented by a list, containing other lists which represent roles, each of which contain books.

List: name = Joe Bloggs List name = Author Book: name = First book written by Joe Bloggs Book: name = Second book written by Joe Bloggs etc... List name = Editor Book: name = Book that was edited by Joe Bloggs


A publisher is represented as a list, containing the books that they published.


A series is represented as a list, containing books.

As lists are unordered, a special property is added to each book, indicating that book's order in the series. The key for this property is derived from the uuid of the list representing the series: eg series-order-.