
This project is now obsolete - the contents have been split into smaller modules.

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

What's This?

This framework contains various Elegant Chaos utility classes for Mac and iOS development.

These classes were written for my own use, so they aren't necessarily brilliantly documented at the moment, nor can I guarantee that the interface to them will remain unchanged.

That said, I'm open sourcing them in case anyone finds them useful.

Note: Reorganisation In Progress

Recently I've decided to merge my Mac and iOS libraries (<ECFoundation/ and ECTouch) into ECFoundation, and re-organise the source code around the idea of functional modules. Managing three separate frameworks was too much work for something that is still a relatively small codebase.

The current status of this merge is that the <ECFoundation/ code has moved, but not all of the ECTouch code has yet. In addition, the reorganisation into modules hasn't happened yet.

For More Information

See the ECFoundation Wiki page for more information.


The code is distributed under the terms of the Elegant Chaos liberal license.