
Utility to double check if all the storaged data of a Storj Storagenode is HEALTHY.

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

This is a consistency checker for Storagnodes of the Storj network.

It reads all the blob files (...sj1 files), and recalculates the checksum to compare it with the stored one.

Run it from the storage dir (the dir where you see at least one blobs subfolder).




storagenode-checker /storj/storj01/data/storage

Example of rotten data:

cd /storj/storj01/data/storage

checking namespace  7b2de9d72c2e935f1918c058caaf8ed00f0581639008707317ff1bd000000000
hash comparison error: d6b5d209213990998978e2e3c8d455cbc394a069092a88b822a6977686ba0f0b
hash comparison error: d6b5d509f9c818936b72fd93c30dbecf2edf1744f42d71905bdb8ac594dca6fc
hash comparison error: d6b5e4a6eca64fdd0cd2ad2d45dcbfb5d7e9745259775763e456e2ac620f9d6c

Follow the progress:

export STBB_DEBUG=

From different terminal:

curl localhost:9898/metrics | grep Checksum_checkBlob | grep count

function_times{kind="success",scope="....",name="Checksum_checkBlob",field="count"} 171569