
Simple nginx module for using a hashcash like algorithm as a client-side proof-of-work.

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

nginx hashcash module

Simple nginx module for using the idea behind the hashcash-algorithm as a client-side proof-of-work, to make brute-force a little bit more expensive for an attacker.

How to use it

Every request is protected by some proof-of-work on the client-side, sha-256 can be imported via hash.js:

proofOfWork = function (nonce) {
	var i = 0;
	var check = (new Date().getTime()) + '-' + nonce + '-';
	while (i < 2000000) {
		var sha = hash.sha256().update(check + i).digest('hex');
		if (sha.substring(0, 5) === '00000') {
			return check + i;
	return undefined;

The header is of the form ${epoch-seconds}-${nonce}-${proof}, therefor setting the x-hashcash-Header to

let nonce = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
let promise = fetch(url, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    "x-hashcash": proofOfWork(nonce)

If the timestamp is outside the configured hashcash_max_ttl, the number of leading zero-bits in SHA256("${epoch-seconds}-${nonce}-${proof}") less than hashcash_min_work or the nonce is already known in memcached the request is rejected as soon as possible in a nginx pre-auth filter.



  • openssl
  • nginx
  • libmemcached
  • cmocka
  • make

Make adjustments to include paths in Makefile:

LIBMEMCACHED_HOME = /usr/local/opt/libmemcached/
OPENSSL_HOME = /usr/local/opt/openssl@3

Run build:

# only the first time
make .download
make .configure_nginx
# after downloading and configuring
make all

nginx integration

Load module globally:


load_module  /etc/nginx/modules/nginx_hashcash_module.so;
http {

And protect some endpoints:


server { 

    location /protected  {
        hashcash_min_work 20;
        hashcash_max_ttl 30;
        hashcash_memcache_servers "--SERVER=";
        hashcash_memcache_prefix "--";        
    location / {

For checking against already used nonces, a memcached is used as double spent database. Every valid nonce is stored with the prefix hashcash_memcache_prefix as a key in memcached with an ttl of hashcash_max_ttl. For configuring the servers: libmemcached.