📣 📣 📣 I am your TECH CAREER ADVISOR!


As we conclude Module 2, we embark on a pivotal juncture in our learning journey. Having defined the scope of our project for Module 3, the focus now shifts towards the practical application of our acquired knowledge – securing employment.

Do you have doubts about which job to choose? Do you need guidance?

My interactive dashboard (your new TECH Career advisor) will provide you with an answer.

💥 Concepts and objetives

It has six visualizations and two filters:

  • Visualizations
  1. Salary Distribution by Job Category: Bar chart that displays the average salary distribution for each job category. This will allow you to visualize salary differences among specific roles 'Data Scientist,' 'Data Engineer,' or 'Data Analyst.'

  2. Analysis of Salary Trends between 2020 and 2023: Line chart to display the salary trend from 2020 to 2023. This will allow you to identify patterns and changes in salaries as time progresses.

  3. Effect of Experience Level on Salary: Scatter plot that illustrates the relationship between experience level and salary. You can highlight trends and analyze how salaries vary for different experience levels.

  4. Salary Comparison Across Different Countries: Geospatial map to visualize the salary distribution in different countries. The countries are colored based on the average salary of the job market in each country.

  5. Table of Number of Job Offers by Job Category and Experience Level.

  6. Minimum Salary Accepted: Minimum Salary medidor by Job Category with a gauge axis indicating the salary we would accept going forward, thanks to completing a prestigious bootcamp like Ironhack.

  • Filters

You can filter by Work Year and Work Setting.

💡 Usage

Ask yourself what your preferences are for your next job and experiment. You will come to a conclusion.

🔨 Technology stack

  • Power BI

📁 Folder structure

└── ih_datamadpt0923_project_m1
    ├── _wip_
    ├── data
    │     └── jobs_in_data.csv
    ├── modules    
    ├── proyecto_modulo_2.pbix
    └── README.md

Next steps: CV, Linkedin and...
