
Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


npm version

EnvBakery is an extension for Angular framework that loads environment variables from an .env file (located in /assets) into Angular environment on application start-up. Normally Angular environment is baked in into the application during build stage and all Angular environments are part of source code which breaks The Twelve-Factor App methodology.

EnvBakery also provides direct access to variables specified in an .env file.

Some environments might not allow file injection and will instead rely on build process to consume environment variables from OS. parbake CLI utility is included for such cases.

EnvBakery is using .env parser extracted from dotenv by Scott Motte. Sadly, dotenv tries to access Nodejs APIs even when only using its parser. This obviously fails when used in a browser environment. So the parser code had to be extracted to avoid dotenv dependency entirely.

Installation With Angular CLI

EnvBakery comes with experimental installation schematic which should be invoked through Angular CLI. This method will install the library itself and will try to update the following files:

  • src/environments/environment.ts
  • src/main.ts
  • angular.json

It will also create boilerplate src/assets/.env and src/assets/.env.example files.

Before using this installation method, make sure that you have committed all file changes. If you encounter any issues - please create a bug report.

To install using Angular CLI run:

$ ng add @elemental-concept/env-bakery

Once it finishes, feel free to remove unneeded environment files.

Manual Installation

Install the library

# With npm
$ npm i @elemental-concept/env-bakery

# With Yarn
$ yarn add @elemental-concept/env-bakery

Create .env file inside /assets

Create an .env file in the /assets folder of your application. Usually .env file is created in the root folder of the project, but a single Angular project might contain multiple applications, thus it is important to have per application .env file located inside /assets folder of each application. Make sure to add .env files to .gitignore - environment files should NEVER be submitted to the code repo!

Add environment-specific variables on new lines in the form of NAME=VALUE. You can also use comments.

# Angular production flag

# Sample Firebase config

Convert Angular environment into function

Due to the way modules are bundled and imported, it is required to convert Angular environment from a static constant into a function. Open your src/environments/environment.ts and do the following change (don't worry about your environment.prod.ts at the moment):

export const environment = () => (
    production: false,
    firebase: {
      apiKey: 'api-key',
      authDomain: 'my-cool-app.firebaseapp.com',
      projectId: 'my-cool-app',
      storageBucket: 'my-cool-app.appspot.com',
      messagingSenderId: '123456789',
      appId: '1:000:web:999',
      measurementId: 'G-ABCDEF'

Make sure to update all of your code which uses environment as a constant to use it as a function. Don't change your main.ts yet though.

Inject .env variables into Angular environment

Import getEnv() from @elemental-concept/env-bakery and replace static environment property values with getEnv() calls:

import { getEnv } from '@elemental-concept/env-bakery';

export const environment = () => (
    production: getEnv('PRODUCTION').boolean(),
    firebase: {
      apiKey: getEnv('FIREBASE_API_KEY').string(),
      authDomain: getEnv('FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN').string(),
      projectId: getEnv('FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID').string(),
      storageBucket: getEnv('FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET').string(),
      messagingSenderId: getEnv('FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID').string(),
      appId: getEnv('FIREBASE_APP_ID').string(),
      measurementId: getEnv('FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID').string()

Check API section below on how to use getEnv().

Update app.module.ts / main.ts

Add APP_INITIALIZER to your providers in app.module.ts or main.ts (if using standalone components):

import { APP_INITIALIZER, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { bakeEnv } from '@elemental-concept/env-bakery';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Call bakeEnv to load .env file on start up
function initializeApp() {
  return bakeEnv(() => import('../environments/environment'));

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
    // Add APP_INITIALIZER to load .env before the app starts
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      useFactory: () => initializeApp,
      multi: true
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Remove environment.prod.ts

You don't need environment.prod.ts anymore when using @elemental-concept/env-bakery. Open angular.json and remove environment.prod.ts and environment.ts replacement. You can then remove environment.prod.ts file from your project entirely.

  "configurations": {
    "production": {
      // Remove environment.prod.ts replacement from this array
      "fileReplacements": []

Set up your deployment system

Your deployment system should be aware of these changes. Please refer to the documentation of your deployment system for exact steps on how to inject custom files into your project.

If using Docker, then volumes are usually used for that:

$ docker run -v $(pwd)/.env:/root/app/dist/assets/.env my_docker_image

parbake CLI utility

Some deployment environments might not allow file injection and will instead rely on build process to consume environment variables from OS. Netlify is a good example of such deployment environment. It only allows to specify environment through its web interface and then it runs $ npm build on each deploy. parbake CLI utility is included for such cases.

The easiest way to use parbake is to create a build hook in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "prebuild": "parbake src/assets/.env PRODUCTION,API_BASE_URL,FB_API_KEY,FB_API_SECRET",
    "build": "ng build --prod"

It will consume environment variables defined in a host OS and will create an .env file with their contents. To avoid exposing the whole of OS environment to the public, parbake requires a whitelist, which can either be specified as a command line argument or loaded from a JSON configuration file. parbake can also be called through npx.


$ parbake [output] [whitelist]
$ npx @elemental-concept/env-bakery [output] [whitelist]

$ parbake [output] --config=[filename]
$ npx @elemental-concept/env-bakery [output] --config=[filename]

$ parbake [output] --json=[environmentJson]
$ npx @elemental-concept/env-bakery [output] --json=[environmentJson]

Whitelist is a comma-separated list of environment variable names.

Configuration file must be in JSON format, should contain a single object with a single property called whitelist, which in turn should contain a list of strings. For example:

  "whitelist": [

Alternatively you can specify required environment variables as a single JSON string using --json argument. Make sure to escape double quotes correctly! Example:

$ npx @elemental-concept/env-bakery src/assets/.env --json='{\"PRODUCTION\": \"true\"}'

You can also install EnvBakery as a global package and use parbake locally to dump your environment into a file.


.env variables should be accessed through getEnv() after successful bootstrap. You can either inject them into you Angular environment or use getEnv() directly if needed.


getEnv(key: string): EnvConverter - returns an instance of EnvConverter bound to an environment variable specified by key.


Provides a set of wrapper functions to access environment variables as strings, numbers, booleans and arrays of strings. If environment variable is not specified, default value will be returned. If you need to access an environment variable without any modifications, use raw() method.

raw(): any - returns environment variable as-is without any modifications. If environment variable is not present in .env file then undefined will be returned.

number(defaultValue = 0): number - returns environment variable as a number primitive. String values will be converted using parseFloat(). defaultValue will be returned instead of non-numeric values (including undefined) and NaN.

string(defaultValue = ''): string - returns environment variable as a string primitive. defaultValue will be returned instead of non-string values (including undefined).

array(separator = ',', defaultValue: string[] = []): string[] - returns environment variable as an array of strings. Environment variable will be split by separator. defaultValue will be returned in case of any errors.

boolean(truthyValues = [ 'true', 't', '1', 'on', 'enable', 'enabled', 'yes' ], defaultValue = false): boolean - returns environment variable as a boolean. Any string value present in truthyValues will return true, any other string value will return false. Non-string values will return defaultValue.