Builds a docker image running an NHS MESH Client

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker MESH

Builds a docker image to run a configured NHS Digital MESH Client.


The MESH Client is configured at build time. The build arguments are:

Argument Value Default
MESHPWD Password for your MESH Mailbox None
MESHBOX Identifer of the MESH Mailbox None
KSPASS Password for the MESH Keystore None
MESHENDPOINT IP or URL for the MESH Endpoint (OpenTest)

The MESH Endpoint is added to the conifguration using a SED command so needs to be escaped. e.g should be specified as https:\/\/192\.168\.128\.11

The mesh keystore should be copied to the build directory so it can be copied into the image. The Keystores for each environment can be found here:


Passwords for the Keystore will be provided during the environment registration process.

To build, use the command:

docker build --build-arg MESHPWD=[MESH PASSWORD] --build-arg MESHBOX=[MESHBOXID] --build-arg KSPASS=[KeyStorePass] -t [sometag] .

Data Volume

The build creates a volume at /usr/MESH-DATA-HOME.

If you wish to access the MESH mailbox from other images you may wish to create a volume first e.g.

docker volume create --name meshdata

And then use it when running the container:

docker run -v meshdata:/usr/MESH-DATA-HOME [sometag]


This project contains the java installer for the MESH client which is copyright NHS Digital. It has not been altered for this project.

The original can be found here:



  • NHS Digital