
papyrus_ogcproxy provides an easy and convenient method for embeding an OGC proxy in Pyramid applications.

The source code of papyrus_ogcproxy is straightforward, so if papyrus_ogcproxy doesn't do what you want, open its source code, get inspiration, and write your own code.


papyrus_ogcproxy can be installed with easy_install:

$ easy_install papyrus_ogcproxy

Often you'll want to make papyrus_ogcproxy a dependency of your Pyramid application, which is done by adding papyrus_ogcproxy to the install_requires list defined in the Pyramid application's file.

Set up

Using papyrus_ogcproxy to set up an OGC proxy in a Pyramid application is easy.

Edit the application's main file,, and register papyrus_ogcproxy using the Configurator.include method:

def main(global_config, **settings):

    config = Configurator(settings=settings)

    import papyrus_ogcproxy

That's it! The OGC proxy is available at /ogcproxy.

Here is a test URL: http://localhost:6543/ogcproxy?

Using a proxy for the proxy

If the requests made by the OGC proxy should be made through a proxy, the additional package pysocks is required. After the installation of this package, configure the proxy:

from papyrus_ogcproxy import views as ogcproxy_views
from httplib2 import ProxyInfo
import socks
ogcproxy_views.proxy_info = ProxyInfo(socks.SOCKS5, 'localhost', 1080)

With this configuration the OGC proxy will make requests through the proxy localhost:1080. For information please refer to the documentation of PySocks and httplib2.

Set up a development environment

To set up a development environment with virtualenv, run the following commands:

$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/bin/python develop
$ venv/bin/pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Run the tests

To run the tests:

$ venv/bin/nosetests --with-coverage

One test assumes that a proxy server is running at localhost:1080. To start a proxy run:

$ ssh -N -D localhost