
GraphDB Talk 2020-21 Slides and Demos

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PyConlineAU 2020 Talk

Graph Databases will Change Your Life

Full talk on Youtube:

Link to video: PyConlineAU 2020: Graph Databases will Change Your Life

Link to video: PyConlineAU 2020: Graph Databases will Change Your Life

Canberra Python User Group is Super Rad!

Come join the Canberra Python User Group (CPUG)

We also have a slack: Canberra PUG slack

CPUG Apr 2021 Slides used:

PyConlineAU 2020 Demo Code used:

Jupyter Notebook:


Cypher Queries:

// Create Python
CREATE (guido:Person {name: "Guido"})
CREATE (python:Language {name: "Python"})
CREATE (guido)-[:CREATED]->(python)
RETURN guido, python

Full set of examples here: example.cypher


// Find the missing link

:params {person_name: "Cris"}

MATCH (subject:Person)
WHERE subject.name=$person_name

     (dept:Department {name: "IT Department"})
     (:Language {name: "Python"})

WHERE NOT (subject)-[:LIKES]->(likeable_framework)
RETURN likeable_framework

.. and derp: derp.cypher

Many thanks: @pyconau, @nextdayvideo, @developerjack, @jeamland, @ExcitedLeigh, @kantrn, @xfxf

and to all the python friends!

Thanks to Neo4j staff who have been amazingly kind, and let me re-use many of their great diagrams: Alicia Frame, Max de Marzi, our local person: Joshua Yu and the wonderful Karin Wolok.

Full credits