
Full-stack web app for organizing cooking recipes

Primary LanguagePython

🍴 Gastronotes

A web app to organize all your cooking recipes

🍴 Features

  • Sign up and Log In
  • Create a folder
  • Add a recipe (type in)
  • Import a recipe (web scraping)
  • Search for a recipe (title, ingredients, directions)
  • Move a recipe between folders
  • Edit a recipe and apply styling (wysiwyg editor)
  • Delete a recipe
  • Delete a folder

🍴 Demo


Showing recipes per folder and search

Importing a recipe

🍴 Requirements

Install PostgreSQL (Mac OSX)

Clone or fork this repo:


Create and activate a virtual environment inside your Gastronotes directory:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up the database:

createdb recipes
python3 model.py

Run the app:

python3 server.py