
This is a project to demonstrate Clojure features and provide a setup for testing for CSci 4651 at UMN Morris.

How to open

Clone the project and open the entire folder in Atom.

How to run

In the project directory (csci4651) type:

  • lein repl to load the core.clj file and start repl. You can call any of the functions defined in core, for example (intro-let [1 2 3])
  • lein run to run the function hello in core.clj. Note that any prints outside of the functions will print.
  • lein test to run tests in test/csci4651/core_test.clj. You may add more tests there. Since csci4651.core namespace is referenced there, any function in core can be called.

Make sure to save all the modified files before rerunning.