
Give a number... and watch it create a multiplication table of prime numbers!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Prime Tables 🧩

2️⃣ 3️⃣ 5️⃣ 7️⃣ 1️⃣1️⃣ 1️⃣3️⃣ 1️⃣7️⃣ 1️⃣9️⃣ 2️⃣3️⃣ 🔮

This application takes numeric input (N) from a user and outputs a multiplication table of (N) prime numbers. Programming used for the project: JavaScript

How to run the application 🎲

The user gives a number in the input field and presses Enter. The application outputs a (N+1) x (N+1) grid of numbers.


I tried to separate each task to a different function. This way testing is easier and more effective. 🔬

The application was built in the following stages:

  • CONSOLE stage 🖥

    • I first created a prime numbers generator function primeNumbersGenerator(). This is an iterable entity that outputs prime numbers. It checks if an integer is divisible by 1 or itself, and registers it as prime with yield. 🌾

    • The next function giveNPrimeNumbers() iterates the generator with upper limit an input N, that is the argument of the function itself. It returns an array primesArr with the first N primes, plus an extra empty slot at the beginning. 📥

    • I devised the makePrimeTable() function, to output the table on the console. The formatting is achieved through a string variable rowOutput that serves as each row of the array. The first row is populated with the original output of primes from the giveNPrimeNumbers(), separated by the | character. Each subsequent row is populated with the multipliers of each one of the same prime numbers with every other one in the array.

    • The result for an input N = 3️⃣ is:
      | 2 | 3 | 5 |
      2 | 4 | 6 | 10 |
      3 | 6 | 9 | 15 |
      5 | 10 | 15 | 25 |

    • Screenshots for other inputs 🧮

  • APPLICATION stage 🟪 🟧 🟨

    • The main decision I have to make for this stage is if I would just create an element and output the console result as a text, or something more visually pleasing, such as presenting the results in an actual table, using the <table>. 🧰
    • My first approach was to create the makePrimeTableHTML() function (commented out in the script.js). This was a slightly modified version of makePrimeTable(), that was just presenting the console formatted result in an HTML page. The presentation was not very efficient this way, as a layout problem was created through the use of white-space: pre; in the CSS. The white-space: pre; was necessary to parse the new line character through the .textContent method in js.
    • My second - and final - approach was the function primeTable(). ✨ Its task is the same as in the case of makePrimeTable() and makePrimeTableHTML(), but this time the DOM is being manipulated. I create a TABLE according to the given N number, in which I present the results. This function is called by the createTable() function, which is triggered once the input number is submitted through the form.


  • For the testing, I created a test-helpers.js which has a couple of functions that test regular equality or equality between two arrays, since those are reference objects. It also includes the the declaration of the test function itself. ⚖️
  • In the files test.js I am testing the functions of the file script.js for various inputs, trying to make the test functions pass and fail. 🗝
  • Many bugs were corrected during the implementation process, either by being obvious, or by using a console.log() wherever appropriate.
    • One of these instances was what would happen given any other input, except for a positive integer greater than 1. In that case, the primes generator function primeNumbersGenerator() would run theoretically forever, causing the page to stop working.
    • SOLUTION: checking inside the createTable() function that runs once the user input has been submitted. The input is checked, and if it is anything other than a positive number greater than 1, an error message appears and the execution of primeNumbersGenerator() is prevented.