
Live production version is here!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


You may be familiar with Ray Dalio's famous concept of principles - lessons you learn in life, and keep with you to influence your future decisions.

The challenge that our media-rich culture presents is the fact that we may discover such a lesson, and forget it after a few days. Despite having written it down in your notes, maybe even hung it up on your wall, it eventually fades into the background and you forget.

I found myself wishing I had occasional reminders to think about something differently, so I began working on Small Reminders.

What Is Small Reminders?

It is web app to let you keep a list of your own principles, and let you send yourself random reminders via text.

The Technology

The app consists of a node server and a React front end (compiled with webpack and babel).

The infrastructure includes a MongoDB database and is continuously intergrated with CircleCI and jest. User management is secured and outsourced through Googles' Firebase User Management features.

The node server is automaticlally deployed to Heroku once the master branch is updated (a convenient feature of Heroku). The client is automatically deployed to firebase with CircleCI.


To contribute to the project, you can take a look at the Projects section. The Road Map section is a high-level view of the current progress, and the Road Map elements are broken down to granular Project Boards

Get started

git clone <your fork of this repo>
cd SmallReminders
npm install
npm start
<make your changes>
open pull request (will automatically run tests)

note: you will need to manually create a .env file in your root directory with the below values. This will make the connection string for MongoDB.

MONGO_URL=<url to MongoDB>
MONGO_USER=<database username>
MONGO_PW=<database user password>
MONGO_DBNAME=<database name>
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<auth token>
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=<phone number>