Elena Morton

Software engineer skilled in development, integration, configuration and release management on UNIX/Linux, and Windows systems with extensive telecoms background.

More than 20 years of commercial experience working in agile teams. Added knowledge into web technologies. Curently slooking for a Full-Stack development role.


Since I graduated University in the Computer Science field, I have enjoyed a wide range of software engineering roles.

I have worked as a software developer over a mix of applications and real-time embedded systems areas, from manufacturing production flow, to telecomms protocol stacks implementation, and electrical measurement devices. I also worked as a software integration and delivery engineer in 2G/3G/4G mobile phones on the modem side.

I enjoy developing high quality, easy to read, and maintainable software. Recently, at Makers Academy I received comments about my code being "terse and well structured".

Software engineering is a very dynamic world, and I am always keen on improving myself. Web developement is a very exciting area and has interested me for a while. In the last year, I took the oportunity to deep dive into learning how to develop web applications that concluded by me joining the now renowned Makers Academy.


Project Summary Technologies Testing
BabelChat (Github) The graduation project - A real-time language translator using Google-API Javascript, React, Sockets.io, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Passport, Google-API, HTML/CSS Mocha, Chai, Zombie
SunTiger (Github) A scratch implementation of a web search engine (in command line) Ruby, Nokogiri, Open-uri, XPath, Rake Rspec
MakersB'n'B (Github) The first experience of a group project at Makers Academy (Week 6). An application that allows to list available spaces, and hire ones for the night. Ruby, DataMapper, PostgreSQL, Sinatra, Bycript, HTML/CSS RSpec, Capybara
Acebook (Github) A facebook-like application Ruby on Rails, Clearence, Factory-girl, HTML/CSS Rspec, Capybara
Bowling Calculator (Github) A bowling game with score calculator Vanilla JavaScript, HTML/CSS Jasmine, Istanbul


Technical Skills

  • Programming: C, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, JQuery, Bash scripting, Python, Perl, SQL, Assembler.
  • Debugging / Testing: TDD/BDD, RSpec, Jasmine, Mocha; build logs analysis, target testing errors analysis, automation target testing;
  • Networking: Protocol Stack Layer 2/3 Implementation, TCP/IP, BSD sockets, HTTP, Wireshark, Fiddler
  • Operating Systems: Unix, Linux Ubuntu, Windows, MAC
  • Configuration Management: Clearcase, GIT, Perforce, Continuous Integration, Jenkins

Functional Skills

Problem Solving

  • Achieved high levels of multi-tasking ability by remaining goal oriented, completing several tasks simultaneously to reach desired targets
  • Increased software quality by identifying errors and issues, while providing potential solutions. Actively engaged cross tech team for exposing and resolving internal modules issues
  • Agile project execution and customer focused on timely and high quality deliveries for over 20 customers including Samsung, LGE, Motorola, Apple, HTC

Communication Skills

  • Met tight time constrains deliveries by co-ordinating daily project integration scrum meetings across 3 sites for issues tracking and pursue resolution. Communicated with all staff levels
  • Successfully liaised issues cross teams that affect the team work, and follow up for resolutions and process improvement that increased code quality

Makers Academy Apr 2017 - July 2017

  • Independent learner and problem-solver
  • OOP, TDD, SOLID, MVC, Agile, Pair Programming
  • Ruby, Rails, Javascript, JQuery, Node.js, Express
  • RSpec, Jasmine, Mocha, PostgreSQL, GIT

Codecademy/PluralSight/SitePoint Aug 2016 - Mar 2017

  • Front-end online training
  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, Node.js, JQuery
  • Windows10/cygwin platform configuration

”Polytechnica” University of Bucharest Sept 1983 - June 1988

  • Master of Science in Control Engineering and Computer Science. Graduation Mark = 9.20; Diploma mark=10.00 (on a 1 to 10 scale)

Qualcomm (QCT) UK Ltd Farnborough, Hampshire, June 2012 - July 2016
Multimode Handset Integration Software Engineer for 2.5G/3G/4G mobile phone modems, in single/dual/triple SIM configurations

Agile, CI using Jenkins, Package Warehouse, automation testing
Log analysis and software debugging on target platforms
Involved in software releases for 15-20 products to customers like: Samsung, Apple, LGE, Xiaomi, HTC, Motorola, Lenovo. Perforce, Git

ST-Ericsson Ltd (formerly Ericsson Mobile Platforms) Basingstoke, Hampshire, June 2006 - Dec 2011
CPO Integration & Delivery Software Engineer for generic Ericsson and customized 2G & 3G mobile phones modems

Deliveries to 5-8 customers, like: Sony Ericsson, LGE, HTC, Sagem, Asus
Code propagations cross-projects, Daily builds, sanity target testing
ClearCase, Git

NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd Reading, Berkshire, Jan 2002 - June 2006
Principle Software Integration Engineer for 2G & 3G mobile phones modems

Cross-site integration leader (UK, and France)
First 3G mobile phone released in the UK as double-mode stack (end 2002)
ClearCase, CI

Ericsson Telecommunications Romania Ltd. Bucharest, Romania, Jan 1999 - Jan 2002
Senior Software Developer for network side (base stations)

Design and Implementation of protocol stacks at Layer 2 & Layer 3
Target and host testing

Institute of MicroTechnology Bucharest, Romania, Dec 1995 - Dec 1998
Team leader and developer

Working on an R&D project for the European Community (ESPRIT ASPIS 20287)
Design and implementation of the DECT stack at layer 2/3 for both UE and base station sides, including interoperability with the 2G system.
Porting C library to Unix Solaris OS.

Institute for Automation Design Bucharest, Romania, July 1995 - Dec 1995
Application Software Engineer

Working on real-time acquisition system for physiological data, and on-line data processing, using C and Visual Basic 6.0.

R&D Institute for Electronics Bucharest, Romania, June 1990 - June 1995
Embedded Software Engineer

Working on real-time data acquisition embedded systems (16-bit family) and high level data processing on workstation PCs

ICIN Bucharest Bucharest, Romania, Oct 1988 - June 1990
Analyst Programmer

Working on a database application for the factory products, using dBase III language. Coding in assembly language for Zilog/Intel 8-bit family devices at firmware level.
