
This is a library for adding Ascom Alpaca capabilites to your ESP32 arduino project. The motivation for making this was to have a compact, easily adaptable library for interfacing with Alpaca.

Auto discovery by Ascom is working, and more than one device can be connected to the server. As of now, only focuser is implemented, but adding other classes is very simple and I'll do so in the future.

Be sure to check out Ascom API documentation to be sure you handle values and parameters correctly, and return error responses as needed.

A webpage for configuring the server be found at /setup , and a setup page for each connected device will be dynamically created and presented as tabs. Saving to flash memory is supported, with settings being loaded at boot. Your class should implement aReadJson and aWriteJson to load and save settings to and from the web-interface and the flash memory.

For debugging set AscomServer.debug = true, after you have called Serial.begin();

To use, simply let your class inherit the relevant AscomDevice-derived class (e.g. AscomFocuser), and make sure to implement all pure virtual methods: aGet* should call _alpacaServer->respond(value, , ) aGet* should call _alpacaServer->respond(nullptr, , ) after reading parameters using _alpacaServer->getParam("")

A working dual focuser controller project can be found here:

Minimum setup:



#include <AlpacaFocuser.h>

class MyFocuser : AlpacaFocuser
  // alpaca getters
  void aGetAbsolute()             { _alpacaServer->respond(1); }
  void aGetIsMoving()             { _alpacaServer->respond(_isRunning()); }
  void aGetMaxIncrement()         { _alpacaServer->respond(_pos_max); }
  void aGetMaxStep()              { _alpacaServer->respond(_pos_max); }
  void aGetPosition()             { _alpacaServer->respond(_getCurrentPosition()); }
  void aGetStepSize()             { _alpacaServer->respond(_micrometerperstep); }
  void aGetTempComp()             { _alpacaServer->respond(_temp_comp); }
  void aGetTempCompAvailable()    { _alpacaServer->respond(1); }
  void aGetTemperature()          { _alpacaServer->respond(_temp_meas); }

  // alpaca setters
  void aPutTempComp()             { _alpacaServer->getParam("TempComp", _temp_comp); _alpacaServer->respond(nullptr); }
  void aPutHalt()                 { stop(); _alpacaServer->respond(nullptr); }
  void aPutMove()                 { _alpacaServer->getParam("Position", _pos_target); _alpacaServer->respond(nullptr); }


#include <AscomServer.h>

#define ALPACA_UDP_PORT 32227
#define ALPACA_TCP_PORT 80


AlpacaServer alpacaServer("ExampleServer");
MyFocuser myFocuserA();
MyFocuser myFocuserB();

void setup()
  // make sure wifi is up and running before starting server
  alpacaServer.begin(ALPACA_UDP_PORT, ALPACA_TCP_PORT);

void loop()