
Microservices labs

Primary LanguageJava

Microservices Labs

  1. Environment preparation
  2. Getting Start with Spring Boot
  3. Introduction to Microservices and Project Setup
  4. Creating the Product Service Microservice
  5. Creating the Order Service Microservice
  6. Inter-Microservice Communication - Calling Product and User Services from Order Service
  7. Service Discovery with Eureka
  8. API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway
  9. Load Balancing with Ribbon
  10. Centralized Configuration with Spring Cloud Config
  11. Service Resilience with Hystrix Circuit Breaker
  12. Security with Spring Security and OAuth 2.0
  13. Asynchronous Communication with RabbitMQ
  14. Service Rate Limiting and Throttling with Redis

Old Labs.

  1. Limits-Service
  2. Spring-Cloud-Config-Server

Where to get the VM

  • Start the ES VM on Azure