
The stupid configuration tracker using the stupid content tracker

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

baka admin konfiguration assistant

This is mostly just a wrapper for some git and rsync commands I made to help with managing my home server
If you're looking for something similar but not stupid, see etckeeper or other alternatives
Otherwise, you can install from PyPI with pip install bakabakabaka

usage: baka [--dry-run] <argument>

the stupid configuration tracker using the stupid content tracker

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --version      show program's version number and exit
  --init         open config, init git repo, add files then commit
  --commit msg   git add and commit your changes to tracked files
  --push         git push (caution, ensure remote is private)
  --untrack ...  untrack path(s) from git
  --install ...  install package(s) and commit changes
  --remove ...   remove package(s) and commit changes
  --upgrade      upgrade packages on system and commit changes
  --docker ...   usage: --docker <up|down|pull> <all|names...>
  --job name     run commands for job with name
  --list         show list of jobs
  --sysck        run commands for system checks and commit output
  --scan         run commands for scanning system, prints and commits output
  --diff         show git diff --color-words
  --log          show pretty git log
  --show         show most recent commit
  -i             force job to run in interactive mode
  -n, --dry-run  print commands instead of executing them