
Deploy Strapi with CI/CD on Elestio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Strapi CI/CD pipeline

Deploy on Elest.io

Deploy Strapi with CI/CD on Elestio

Once deployed ...

You can open Strapi UI here:

URL: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]/admin
email: [ADMIN_EMAIL]
password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD]

You can open the pgAdmin web UI here:

URL: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]:8443
email: [ADMIN_EMAIL]
password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD]


You can install your plugins by adding the yarn command in the entrypoint.sh file.

for example:

step1: Go to the Tools tab, click on the VS Code button, copy the password, click on the Access link, then paste the password

step2: Go to the entrypoint.sh, and paste your yarn command ⚠️One command per line⚠️ and at the end of the file add yarn build

step3: Check to see if the file webpack.config.example.js is in the ./src/admin folder. If it isn't there, create the file webpack.config.example.js inside the /src/admin folder and add the code below.

'use strict';

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
module.exports = (config, webpack) => {
  // Note: we provide webpack above so you should not `require` it
  // Perform customizations to webpack config
  // Important: return the modified config
  return config;

step4: Go back to Elestio Dashboard, Details tab, and click to Restart Stack


By default, you deploy a development version. You can easily switch between a production version or a development version like this:

step1: Update the env var to indicate which version you want. Open Elestio dashboard > Service overview > click on UPDATE CONFIG button > ENV tab update the variable NODE_ENV from development to production or revert

step2: click on Update & Restart button.